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The Celebreality Interview - New York, Take 2
Monday, September 18, 2006

After the jump, she reflects on this week's episode and shares insight into her strategy. Oh, she talks plenty of smack, too. She wouldn't be New York if she didn't.


You refer to yourself as the "H.B.I.C." Can you explain to those who don't know what that means? Oh yes, I am definitely the H.B.I.C. That is the Head Bitch In Charge.

You're pretty strategic, if not devious when it comes to working the girls. Absolutely. I'm inconsistent. I feed off the girls' reactions and their personalities. You definitely want to go toward the weakest link and make the weakest link feel as comfortable as possible. Small talk, that type of thing. It's all to get information out of her to use against her in the end.

How much of your working the girls is planned out? How much is spontaneous? It's always 50/50. I'm always running over situations in my head. I do my homework. I find out who is who and what this person is about. But at the same time, you can't plan out everything. I always leave space for some unexpected knowledge.

During your last week's episode, you and Deelishis seemed kind of cool. You even told her she looked good. Was that to thow her off? The reason I told Deelishis that she looked good was that she picked the right colors for her skin and most importantly, she covered up her back. I didn't have to look at her wounds, so I felt that she pulled out the right outfit for her body type. She definitely pulled it together. But I also praised her just to make the other girls feel bad and jealous of her.

Did you have it in your head that you were going to have a blow-out with her? I went at her because I felt that it wasn't right that she was going to go on the date with Flav. I got upset and then she decides to come in my face and ask me why I'm upset, which was none of her damn business. So I just unleashed on her after that.

What about Buckeey? She seemed pretty easy to pry off the show, once you got the chance to explain to Flav what went down when she and Krazy were pushing each other. Oh yes. I felt that Buckeey didn't belong there. I felt that she was too laid back. But there was a physical altercation and I knew that someone had to go after that. Buckeey did lay hands first, so I definitely was going to tell Flav that I saw Buckeey push Krazy and made her almost fall over the balcony railing. I used that as an opportunity not so much to protect Krazy, but to get rid of some dead weight out of the house.

Did you really think that Krazy could have been hurt? Absolutely not. Definitely not. I didn't feel that Krazy's life was in danger or that she was actually going to go over the balcony. I just used that basically as an opportunity to get Buckeey out of the house. That situation was heated, but it wasn't hot.

Do you have any comment on Bootz's alleged celibacy?
Bootz is full of s***. She is not celibate. Every time you see Bootz, her backside is in someone's face, flailing around. She shakes her cellulite so hard. That girl is definitely experienced and she has numerous sexual escapades. I see it all over her.

To continue reading the entire article go to The Celebreality Interview - New York, Take 2:

posted by Juicy @ 9:36 AM  

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