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50 Cent is a big fan of England's new 24-hour drinking laws - because it encourages group sex.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

50 Cent, loves alcohol because it allows people to lose their inhibitions and encourages them to experiment between the sheets.

50 insists the easiest way to have an orgy or a threesome is to get the women you are with drunk.

He revealed to Britain's Loaded magazine: "Everyone should be allowed to drink at whatever hours they feel they want to do it."

"Man, I've had some good times and parties in pubs after 11pm."

However, despite encouraging sexual freedom, 50 insists he always practices safe sex.

He said: "Everyone should use a condom, because more dinking will also cause more baby population."

Woooooow!! I'm speechless. I hope he was misquoted by the magazine. How does any of the information 50 cent gave answer the question about the 24 hour drinking laws in Britain? lol!!

With all the money he has, he shouldn't even have to think about getting females drunk to have an orgy or a threesome. To be honest he could have one damn leg, one tooth, and weigh 600 pounds, and many crazy axx females would take the offer, lol. Only because he is rolling in doe.

It almost make it seem like he is taking advantage of the females. Talking about always practicing safe sex was the only meaningful thing, he said in the whole entire article.

[Source: Female First]
posted by Juicy @ 2:17 AM  

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