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Star Jones apologizes to her fans
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Star Jones has decided that it was time to apologize to her fans for the wedding extravaganza that ensued when she married Big Gay Al. Star said that she was "caught in the euphoria" of marital bliss when she was planning the wedding, and did not think that her actions (constantly asking for freebies on The View), might bother her fans.

"I don't think I took the viewers on the right journey with me, and I want to apologize for that," she said. "I was a 40-year-old who, according to urban legend, had a better chance of being kidnapped by a terrorist than getting married. And I was caught in the euphoria. And I think I used, and some would say abused, my celebrity in planning the wedding."

If she had it to do over again, Reynolds added, "I would be more humble, and I would allow them to see the genuine character of who I am, which I hope they see right now."

I must admit at first, I enjoyed all the drama at the beginning of the, "Star Got Fired" fiasco. But her story telling, "I'm sorry, I can't believe I was fired" time is up. Star is really trying to milk this situation for all it's worth. I think the apology is just a little bit too late. I don't know if she's being sincere.

I truly believe if she still had her position, as one the co-host on the view, then she would be the same old Star.

[Source: Socialite's Life]
posted by Juicy @ 6:05 PM  

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