Tearful Oprah begs forgiveness
"I've disappointed you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," Oprah told parents at an emergency meeting in a packed marquee tent on the school premises.
"I trusted her (Dr Mzimane). When I appointed her, I thought she was passionate about the children of Africa. "But, I've been disappointed," Oprah said in tears last Saturday. The father of one of the pupils had responded by telling Oprah: "It's not your fault. We don't blame you." "You trusted them. You have more passion for the school and its existence than anyone else in this country, including us parents." Oprah gave parents the assurance she would do everything possible to ensure that those who had been guilty of abuse would be dealt with. Rapport newspaper has disclosed that the queen of chat personally laid a charge with the police against the matron concerned. Oprah's "daughters" have accused Dr Mzimane of failing to take action, although the girls had often complained of being grabbed by the neck, beaten and thrown against a wall, and being sworn at.