The Black Data," Division: Matier & Ross (SF Chronicle) are reporting that Terry McMillan's ex-husband has signed a book deal with Simon & Schuster for a fictionized tell-all account based on his marriage with McMillan.

The reporters received several emails from McMillan, including a plea: "I just do not want to end up dead because no one did anything to stop him." Plummer left a message on McMillan's answering machine, telling her, "There are people that are dying to hear your homophobic messages. All this can go away if you make me a offer. It's just something for me to see if I can get back on my feet because you know I'm struggling." Plummer acknowledged that he left the phone message asking for money. "Basically, I was saying if you don't want me to do any more interviews, just make me an offer." She calls it extortion, Plummer said. Meanwhile, McMillan said, Plummer filed bogus bankruptcy papers for his failed dog-grooming business and left her holding the bag for $32,000 in income he didn't expose to the IRS.
When she replied with a "cease and desist" letter, she says, Plummer retaliated with the threat to go public with her phone messages. McMillan says she went to the FBI but the agency called it a civil matter and wouldn't touch it.
Plummer adds, "A black woman scorned is the worst kind of scorn-and I've felt it from Terry. That's why I'm doing this book, to help black men who have come out of the closet and to give my spin on things." The reporters received another call from Plummer a few hours later, he asked, "Do you think you could mention where I work-"The Diablo Beauty Salon," in Danville? I could use the clients." (Source)