Shar Jackson, the mother of two of Kevin Federline's children, says the media should stop ridiculing the aspiring rapper, who with his break-up from Britney Spears appears to have an even bigger punch-line target on his back.
"He's such a nice guy," the 30-year-old actress tells "Inside Edition" in an interview that was to air Thursday. "He's made some mistakes but everybody else doesn't have the whole world pointing their finger at their mistakes."
Jackson, who starred in TV's "Moesha" in the late `90s, says Federline does not pay child support to her. But, she adds, "He does pay for their school, and they go to a very expensive private school." Celebrity divorces, Jackson thinks, are nothing to celebrate. "I don't understand why people take so much joy in other people's pain." (SOURCE) ____________________________________________________ I have a feeling she's going to start dating that loser again. |